Winston was a wonderful dog with a heart as big as he was. He was kind to all people and all animals, from ducks to guinea pigs to cats. He was almost 8. He will be missed.
Winston & Penny
Kathryn’s Birthday Fundraiser
For Kathryn’s birthday this year, Ben and Kathryn are asking for donations to The Gress Mountain Ranch.
“We have chosen this public charity because their mission of ‘Animals Helping People & People Helping Animals’ is where we want to continue to best help others, both people and animals.”
Sasha, our new Pyrenean Mastiff puppy’s name means “HELPER of Mankind.”
Ben and Kathryn, the founders of this “dream” hope you will consider contributing as a way to celebrate with Kathryn.
Please help support TGMR, as we enter the 25th year of therapeutic work for both animals and people. Every little bit will help TGMR reach our goal.
The Gress Mountain Ranch is dedicated to the mutual well being of humans and animals
Kathryn’s Birthday Fundraiser
For her birthday this year, (yes it one of those milestones), Kathryn is asking for donations to The Gress Mountain Ranch. She has chosen our public charity to be the focus of donations, because their mission means a lot to Ben and Kathryn. Animals Helping People & People Helping Animals, is now going into our “24th year of service” to others.
Penny, our older Great Pyrenees, who is now 11 1/2yrs of age, has a number of very concerning medical diseases. Penny has neuropathy of the back and spine region, bililrubin & liver disease.
Winston is just 5 1/2yrs of age and has pancreatic disease, and a large growing tumor which will need surgical removal. We hope you’ll consider contributing as a way to celebrate Kathryn’s birthday. Every little bit will help TGMR reach their goal for the care of Penny & Winston.
100% of this Birthday Donation Event will go to help both Great Pyrenees dogs to afford them each good medical/surgical care.
Please feel free to share with other supporters these reasons to donate. Thank you for your support and caring love as we face both dogs’ challenges of their total care.
The link to the fundraiser: