Another Fantastic Summer
Ranch Camp was a big success, very “kid friendly”…and lots of fun for both ranch camper children and the volunteers that help operate this amazing experience. Here is a photo of Krissy, the piggy at our Yoga with Wendy at August Ranch Camp. Pig Yoga never Looked so GOOD!
Open Gate Farm Tour 2017
Next is our annual Open Gate Farm Tour Event October 15th, 2017 from 1pm-5pm… Please join us for food, music, a petting zoo, Pony/Horse & Donkey Cart rides. Come support the animals and Ranch Camp 2018.
We need your help!
50+ Volunteers are needed to operate this event. Also, items for our annual Bake Sale are needed…. Other areas include: Volunteers for : Bake sale table, Parking, Greeters, Animal Stations, Food & Beverage Section. A Special Blessing of the Animals will be 2pm and 3pm.