Projects: Read More

The Gress Mountain Ranch has always welcomed young volunteers. Not many places allow hands-on work with animals and ranch maintenance for teens. But at TGMR, kids learn valuable skills as well as self-confidence and teamwork. No where is this more evident than when kids have a project to complete. It’s amazing to see these dedicated young people plan and follow through with some unique projects. Take a look at these students and scouts and their projects.

Science Fair 2013

3 Orefield Middle School students completed their science fair projects at TGMR.


Grade 7 student, Genevieve Chatel, listens to Cookie’s heart rate. Her project, Hold Your Horses, tested the effects of lavender essential oil on equines.

 For her project, Diving Ducks, grade 8 student, Mia Bobenko taught Myrtle, Mable and their friends to dive off the diving board.

For her project, Diving Ducks, grade 8 student, Mia Bobenko taught Myrtle, Mable and their friends to dive off the diving board.

 Grade 8 student, Sydney Neth, hugs Resolution, the alpaca. Sydney tested the effects of classical music on alpacas.

Grade 8 student, Sydney Neth, hugs Resolution, the alpaca. Sydney tested the effects of classical music on alpacas.

Eagle Scout Projects

3 Boy Scouts completed their Eagle projects this summer and fall at TGMR. Eagle Scouts must design, build and raise funds for their project. TGMR provides the site and is grateful for all their hard work!

Resort Pool for Sunshine and all the Ducks Steven Titus and his parents stand in front of his Eagle Scout Project. Steven expanded the existing duck pen and added a large pool.

Resort Pool for Sunshine and all the Ducks
Steven Titus and his parents stand in front of his Eagle Scout Project. Steven expanded the existing duck pen and added a large pool.


Resort Pool for Sunshine and all the Ducks

 Foot Bridge Nick Puzzella and fellow scouts break ground on the new bridge over the creek at bottom of Gress Ranch property.

Foot Bridge
Nick Puzzella and fellow scouts break ground on the new bridge over the creek at bottom of Gress Ranch property.

Finished Bridge1

Foot Bridge

Duck Pen Enclosure Tyler Durfey works on the new duck pen for the male ducks.

Duck Pen Enclosure
Tyler Durfey works on the new duck pen for the male ducks.