Hop in Heaven Rachet August 28th 2009.
Tribute to Rachet
By Kathryn Gress
Rachet had a very short life, only lived till about 2 years plus a little. Rachet had his share of medical problems from fleas when he first arrived, to the neutering that went bad. With prayers and Kathryn’s good nursing care, Rachet made it through a rough surgery. Rachet always had irregular stools but nevertheless, enjoyed his timothy hay and pellets and all his vegetables. Rachet especially enjoyed his nightly yogurt treat. As Kathryn would come near the cage, he’d stand up and sniff for it. It was so cute to watch him rise up for his yogurt! Rachet was full of fun and loved people and other animals!
A lady in Bangor got him from a pet store. She had a love for animal, and had taken care of some wild baby rabbits. She had four children and thought a rabbit would be good for the kids. But rabbits, like children, need a lot of attention. So Rachet, the young rabbit, ended up on Craigslist, and Kathryn emailed and adopted him, at Bono Pizzarea in Bangor, Pa. Kathryn fell in love with Rachet, with his distinctive black markings on both sides of his nose, and the black spots that ran down the back of his spine. Rachet was overweight as he enjoyed his yogurt drops and other sweet treats by his former owner. Rachet had fleas when Kathryn got him and had to be treated by a rabbit savvy vet. Rachet had the good life, entertaining children & adults with his bubbly personalty and fast moving nose! Rachet was neutered due to trying to impregnate anything that moved especially the cat, Smokey. Rachet, my sweet boy!
Rachet had the cutest face of all, with those dark warm eyes and the fastest moving nose with the dark spots on both sides, and the lop ears. Rachet’s ears were so attentive, he knew when there were new volunteers or when he went to an event, where the children were lined up to see him! Rachet was like a magnet. People came over to see the big white rabbit, with the floppy ears. Rachet had the nicest personality..
It’s so hard to envision that Rachet is gone. He may have had a blockage. He wouldn’t eat, drink, poop, or peep. Kathryn tried to get help from the vet. However none was available for almost 12 hours. Time was running out. Being a nurse, Kathryn treated him with IV electrolytes and then syringed him with pineapple juice along wiht some natural yogurt to break up the hairball or blockage, but Nothing worked..
Kathryn prepared to take Rachet to the vet, but he died just before getting in the car. Rest in peace my beautiful Rachet; I love you and I’ll miss you forever! Thank you for being in my life, as I am deeply enriched sharing how Animals do help people and how People & Animals Need Each Other! K.G.