
LeRoy Piggy 1999 to Nov 27th 2012. Leroy was a 13-year-old Vietnamese Pot-bellied piggy who was a wonderful ambassador for The Gress Mountain Ranch in his prime, but his last few years were rough. LeRoy had a seizure disorder, brain tumor and had major abdominal surgery for bloat. He was going blind, had terrible arthritis and piggy cognitive dementia. Despite these problems, he was still one of the first animals to greet visitors when they arrived at TGMR.

Because of all his problems, LeRoy could no longer live in the barn with Pearl Piggy. He lived in the house with the Gress’s, taking over one of their showers and the living room. Leroy helped many people in his life-time through Animal-Assisted Therapy, and the Gress’s felt privileged to be able to care for him in his declining years.

From Kathryn Gress, November 27th, 2012:

The last effort medicine did not work for LeRoy today, and as one doctor told me today from QVC, she said, “We can’t fix everything.”. LeRoy and I have had the most intimate of relationships and I know I am truly blessed in so many ways.

It’s been a hard day today, but I fear tomorrow will be a huge “heart breaker” for me. LeRoy actually walked under the electric fence out to the south pasture to some animal friends there, before he “fell” over due to his balance problems..I raced out there and gently brought him back…LeRoy enjoyed the sun today, and had no temperature control concerns…He saw Hamlet and Pearl. LeRoy actually stayed up the entire night with us in the living room, hanging out with the animals and Ben and Kathryn. I tucked LeRoy in bed…for the last time…Tears streaming down my face….Oh, God, it hurts so much….Tomorrow, I take LeRoy to Cross over the Rainbow Bridge. I know it’s a hard, but right decision. I pray for my own strength to do what is now best…for LeRoy. God knows he has taken good care of me and many many others. Animals do that you know…Take care of Us, THEY know just how to do so…Kathryn………tears…….tears…tears…..