
Rudy was a very special Flemish Giant Rabbit, a big heart and a soft soul of a bunny. Rudy was rescued from a slaughter house in the local area, and was the last rabbit on the line. Fortunately, MaryAnn was able to drive Kathryn, (Kathryn had foot surgery and could not drive) to the place and was able to save Rudy. Rudy was sitting on 12 inches of rabbit manure and could hardly been seen by anyone. The man wanted to get the rabbit out of the hutch by the EARS, but Kathryn gently scooped up the whole rabbit–big boy!–into a box.

That was the freedom this special boy Rudy needed to begin a full, but short life. Rudy was the center of attention at the Open Gate Farm tour for 2 years. Rudy took part in most of the ranch events. He LOVED children and children Loved RUDY! Rudy had a friend Fluffet, whom he only knew for a few months before his death.

On a Saturday morning in February, just before Valentine’s Day, Rudy stopped eating. He developed a high fever of 106° F. Kathryn frantically called everywhere, but no rabbit savvy vets were available at any of the local vet hospitals or ER vet clinics. Kathryn tried all of her nursing skills. She gave him IV solutions, donated by a medical doctor friend of TGMR. She dosed him with antibiotics and put ice packs on his sides and abdomen. This went on through the night and his temperature came down, but not enough. She finally found a vet, but it was too late. Rudy had an exam and more treatment but he had many neurological symptoms, and then suddenly rolled over and died on the bathroom floor in the house. Kathryn was petting him and telling Rudy how wonderful he was and how he had enriched so many people’s lives.

Rudy we will Miss You! You were the sweetest big Boy ever. You touched our hearts and lives with your big rabbit paws and we will never be the same. Celebrating the life of Rudy, today and always.